Classroom Cell Phone Policy Began on Monday, 8/29 | La política de uso del teléfono celular en el aula comienza el lunes 29/8

Dear KPH Parents & Students, In efforts to ensure an equitable learning environment that supports responsible use of technology in the classroom, we started our Classroom Cell Phone Policy on Monday, 8/29. Please review the information in the graphic or attached as a document below for more details. Estimados padres y estudiantes de KPH, En…

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Health Requirements for Rising 9th and 12th Graders | Requisitos de salud para futuros estudiantes de 9.º y 12.º grado

A message from our school nurse: As we plan for the next school your child will have the following Health Requirements, please read below: Entering 9th Grade Physical Examination –> Requirements due upon enrollment, or by 10/15/22 for 9th grade (age 15) and any student entering CPS for the first time. Dental Examination –> Requirements…

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Follow Up to Alleged Social Media Threat

Dear Kelvyn Park Parents, Guardians, and Students Earlier today, we sent a letter to all parents that we were informed by a community member that there was a social media post about a potential threat to our school. Upon receiving this information, we immediately contacted the CPS Office of Safety and Security and they in…

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GoCPS Round 2 | Ronda 2 de GoCPS

Dear 8th Grade Families,  Round 2 of GoCPS will open on June 1. This is the opportunity to either apply to stay at Kelvyn Park for High School (if we are not your neighborhood school) or apply to other high schools. Please view this slideshow to see directions on how to select schools in this round. For…

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