Believe it or not, these are all pictures of the same room! These are photos of the Band Room that has 3 acoustically sealed practice rooms constructed, acoustic ceiling tiles (being installed), and will soon have acoustic floor tiles. This room is scheduled to be ready by the end of October, but is still in…
Dear Kelvyn Park Families, The safety of your children is always our top priority, which is why we must inform you of an incident involving one of our students. On Tuesday, one of our students was reported missing. This has been reported in the news and we wanted to make sure you are aware that…
Ms. Kachel’s seventh and eighth graders participated in creating Van Gogh Sunflower Goals, wherein they recreated the famous and hopeful sunflower paintings by making paper flowers and writing their goals for the year on them and then gluing them in place onto a class vase. According to Ms. K, “Everyone participated and were really onboard…