Kelvyn Park Hermosa Junior and Senior High School white logo of panther and butterfly

News & Updates

Annual Title I Informational Meeting, Thursday, 11/4 @6pm | La junta anual de padres del Titulo, Jueves, 4/11 a las 6pm

November 2, 2021 |

Dear Kelvyn Park Parents, Please join me for my Annual Title I Informational Meeting. This meeting will be hosted by: Dr. Keith W. AdamsDate: Thursday, November 4, 2021 Time: 6:00pm-7:00pmJoin Video Conference: Video call link: At this meeting, I will review and distribute the following: The Kelvyn Park School CIWPThe Kelvyn Park School Title I…

Help Kelvyn Park (Chicago Park District) field house win a $1.5 Million Grant by Supporting the Park on Nov 2nd @6pm | Ayude a la casa de campo de Kelvyn Park a ganar una subvención de $1.5 millones apoyando el parque el 2 de noviembre a las 6 p.m.

November 2, 2021 |

Good Morning KPH Staff, Students, Parents, and Community Members, The office of the Mayor is holding a community meeting November 2nd (today) to review three semi-finalists to win a $1.5 million grant. The Kelvyn Park field house is in disrepair and your input in needed. It is a zoom webinar and Kelvyn Park’s needs will…

GoCPS Is Now Open! | ¡GoCPS está abierto!

October 29, 2021 |

Dear 8th Grade Families,  The counselors have put together resources and information to support families with the GoCPS high school application. Please review the video and resources below and reach out with any questions. The deadline to submit the application is December 15 at 5:00pm.  GoCPS Family Presentation – Spanish Video Slides GoCPS Family Presentation…

Teacher in the Library, Get Homework Help at Chicago Public Libraries | Maestra en la biblioteca, obtenga ayuda con las tareas en las bibliotecas públicas de Chicago

October 28, 2021 |

Casa Central Community Organization Now Hiring! | ¡La organización de la comunidad de Casa Central ahora contrata!

October 26, 2021 |