Kelvyn Park Hermosa Junior and Senior High School white logo of panther and butterfly

News & Updates

FAFSA/ALT College Application Support During Parent-Teacher Conferences on 11/18 | Apoyo para FAFSA durante las conferencias de padres y maestros el 18/11

November 16, 2021 |

Parent-Teacher Conference Day (Report Card Pickup): 12-3pm Virtual, 3-6pm In-Person | Día de la conferencia de padres y maestros (recogida de boletas de calificaciones): 12-3pm virtual, 3-6pm en persona

November 16, 2021 |

Dear KPH Parents, We will have a two part Parent-Teacher Conference Day on Thursday, 11/18. The first half will be virtual (12pm-3pm) and the second half will be in-person (3pm-6pm). 12pm-3pm –> Virtual Conferences. Join us at this virtual link: 3pm-6pm –> In-Person Conferences. Come in to the building to see your child’s teachers!…

Vaccination Awareness Day 11/12, Non-Attendance Day for Students | Día de concientización sobre la vacunación 11/12, Día de no asistencia para estudiantes

November 8, 2021 |

Dear Parents and Families, Earlier this week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) took the important step of approving the COVID-19 vaccine for children ages five to 11. This is incredible news, as now nearly all Chicago Public Schools (CPS) students are eligible to receive the vaccine –– making our schools even safer…

Mobile COVID-19 Vaccination Event @ Kelvyn Park, Tuesday 11/9 from 10am-12pm | Evento móvil de vacunación COVID-19 en Kelvyn Park, martes 9 de noviembre de 10am-12pm

November 8, 2021 |

Reported Case of COVID-19 in the Kelvyn Park HS Community | Caso reportado de COVID-19 en la comunidad de Kelvyn Park HS

November 2, 2021 |

Tuesday, November 02, 2021 Dear KELVYN PARK HS Community, Chicago Public Schools (CPS) is committed to keeping you informed of the most current developments regarding COVID-19. A person who was in our school building on October 29, 2021 tested positive for COVID-19. We are sending this notification for your awareness, and you do not need…