Kelvyn Park Hermosa Junior and Senior High School white logo of panther and butterfly

Newsletter – Fall 2019, Issue 2

Principal’s Note

Dear Kelvyn Park Parents,

I know that I speak for many when I say that I am relieved to have your children back with the teachers and staff at Kelvyn Park. Excited and energized voices once again bounce off the walls of the hallway, fill the cafeteria, and re-invigorate us. The time apart reminded me just how passionate I am about the education of the students at Kelvyn Park. Having them back in our lives rejuvenates our minds, hearts, and souls. They are the reason teachers and staff sacrifice so much to ensure the best educational experience for our youth. This period of time also reminded me of how important it is for us to fight for what we believe in to guarantee access to rich educational experiences. 

Back in 2012, I was a part of the CTU strike as a science teacher. I remember feeling conflicted about missing out on teaching my students every day and I remember feeling challenged by people outside of education who did not understand why the CTU chose to go on strike. But I also understood that when groups of people want something, they need to make sacrifices. Please understand that teachers made sacrifices for what they thought was right by our youth in Chicago Public Schools. And while we did lose out on a few days of instruction, I am hopeful that in the long run, the sacrifices benefit your children. 

That said, it is time for us as the KP staff and parents to unify, roll up our sleeves, and really support our students because there is so much to learn. Please encourage your sons and daughters to attend school on time every day; we will work tirelessly to provide them with the education they deserve. 

Keith W. Adams, Ed.D. Interim Principal


Culture & Climate:
Recently, the school’s Cell Phone Policy was changed. In the past, students were asked to lock their cell phones in a locker at the beginning of each school day. Students are now permitted to keep their cell phones on their person during the school day as long as they control their use. Green Zones are areas of the school where students can use their phones, and Red Zones where they cannot. The classroom is considered a Red Zone and student use of cell phones are at the discretion of their teachers. Additionally, students who arrive after 8:30am will have their phone confiscated until the end of the day so please make sure they arrive on time! 

Parents & Community:
On Saturday, 10/12, our newly formed Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) met to discuss how they planned to spend their funds. The next PAC meeting is 11/9 at 10am in the Library. Our PAC President is Ms. Carolina Reyes should you have PAC-related questions. 

Featured Class

Ms. Boundroukas’ and Mr. Unger’s middle school science class recently focused on the NGSS engineering standard “design a solution to a complex real-world problem, based on scientific knowledge, student-generated sources of evidence, prioritized criteria, and trade-off considerations (improvements).” Students watched a short video and read on the use of solar ovens in nations where clean water was not readily available and cooking food could only be done by fire. Students also read about scientific principles such as reflection, insulation, and radiation. Students were then challenged to design and build their own solar ovens to reach a temperature of 70C (and would cook a S’more) using their new science knowledge.


Key Dates

November 15th, 9-10am:
Café con el Director. Come to our school’s library to meet with and ask questions to our principal. Younger children welcome! 

November 21st, 5:30-7:30pm:
Family Art Night. Bring the family to engage in art projects and crafts for our monthly parent event! 

November 27th-29th:
Thanksgiving Break, no school 

November 7th:
End of 1st Quarter. Please remind your son/daughter to ask teachers when their deadlines are for assignments so they are reflected in 1st quarter grades. 

November 11th:
Veteran’s Day, no school. 

November 13th, 5-6pm:
Local School Council Meeting (LSC). Come to our monthly meeting to hear the LSC discuss major topics at the school. 

November 14th, 12pm-6pm:
Report Card Pickup Day. Come speak with your teachers about your son/daughter’s progress in class! 

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