Kelvyn Park Hermosa Junior and Senior High School white logo of panther and butterfly

Newsletter – Fall 2019, Issue 1

Principal’s Note

Dear Kelvyn Park Parents,

A few weeks ago, my wife and I prepared our oldest daughter Olivia for her first day of preschool. As parents, it was difficult for us to “send her away”, but when we realized we were sending her into the open and loving arms of her teachers, only to come home enriched every single day, our concerns dissolved. I know that this feeling of uneasiness must not subside as our children transition to kindergarten, middle school, high school, and eventually college. Please understand that your children have been accepted into the loving arms of our teachers, counselors, administrators, and support staff at Kelvyn Park. We thank you for letting us educate your children; we have an unwavering commitment to coaching our youth’s social, emotional, and intellectual selves so that they are prepared for their post-secondary careers beyond life at Kelvyn Park.

Studies show that students are most successful when they are supported by strong relationships between the staff at school and parents. Please help spread the coherent message that your child’s education is of utmost importance to you as a parent and to us as a school by encouraging them to come to school on time (doors open at 7:30am) asking them “What did you learn at school today?” every day.

With these simple actions, we will strengthen the connection between family and school, cultivating a community of support and success for our youth at Kelvyn Park.

Proud to be KP!
Keith W. Adams, Ed.D. Interim Principal


This year, teachers are collaboratively focusing on enhancing the rigor of the tasks they are putting in front of students. They will review, critique, and redesign their tasks based off of their team’s analysis of task design, student work, and peer observations.

Culture & Climate:
The social and emotional (SEL) development of our youth enhances the academic and intellectual experience at school. To support this, a Culture & Climate Coordinator was hired to integrate SEL skills into our policies and discipline practices. Room 099 is also now the Student Resource Center.

Parents & Community:
The Parent Office has been relocated to the first floor, Room 103, for easier parent access. Additionally, the school will host at least one parent event per month (see below). Reach out to Ms. Jara, [email protected] for any questions.


Post-secondary careers and options are a priority at Kelvyn Park. Last year, 100% of all seniors had a through and individualized post-secondary plan before they graduated in June. Because there are a lot of moving parts when it comes to applying to colleges, it is very important that parents and students pay close attention to deadlines. For example, October 1st is when the window opens for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) where students can apply for financial aid to pay for college or career schooling.

If you would like to receive CPS Scholarship notifications via email, please fill out this Email Blast Google Form or you can email [email protected].

For any post-secondary related questions, please reach out to our counselor Mrs. Jess Andrick ([email protected]) or our College Coach Mr. Fernando Moreno ([email protected]).

Key Dates

October 3rd, 5-6pm:
Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting. Vote on how school funds will be spent!

October 9th, 5:30-7:30pm:
Family Literacy Night at Kelvyn Park! Bring the family to engage in literacy activities.

October 9th, 5-6pm:
Local School Council. Open to the public. We are looking for parent members! If you would like to become a member, please reach out to Ms. Vega at [email protected]

October 16th:
PSAT & SAT Testing for 9th, 10th, and 11th graders. 12th grade will have a Senior Activity Day.

October 17th, 9-10am:
Café con el Director. Come to Kelvyn Park’s Library to enjoy coffee and ask the principal questions about the school.

October 23rd, 10:30am-12:30pm:
Kelvyn Park College and Career Fair. Will be located in the Gym during lunch periods.

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