Dear KPH Parents & Students, In efforts to ensure an equitable learning environment that supports responsible use of technology in the classroom, we started our Classroom Cell Phone Policy on Monday, 8/29. Please review the information in the graphic or attached as a document below for more details. Estimados padres y estudiantes de KPH, En…
Dear KPH Parents, As a reminder, our Bell Schedule is slightly different on Wednesdays. Students are released at 2:20pm most Wednesdays. On Advisory Days that happen once per month: 9/21, 10/19, 11/16, 12/21, 1/25, 2/22, 3/22, 4/26, 5/24, students will be released at the usual 3:16pm release time. We will notify you the Mondays before…
Hello KPH Students & Parents, The first day of school, Monday 8/22, is right around the corner! To get ready for the first day of school, we will have Student Orientation sessions next week Thursday, 8/18 and Friday, 8/19 organized by grade level. Please see the flyers for details. ¡El primer día de clases, el…