Dear Parents | Estimado padres, This message is to notify you that students with 90% attendance are invited to stay at school until 4:30pm on Friday, 9/16 to watch the movie Coco in our Auditorium. | Este mensaje es para notificarles que los estudiantes con 90% de asistencia están invitados a quedarse en la escuela…
Credit recovery registration for the fall semester is now open! Credit recovery classes begin on September 14. All students who need to recover credits should sign up for evening/Saturday school. Counselors have sent out information to students and parents if they have credits to make up. We encourage sophomores, juniors, and seniors to sign up…
Dear KELVYN PARK HS Community, Chicago Public Schools (CPS) is committed to keeping you informed of the most current developments regarding COVID-19. A person who was in our school building on August 31 – September 1, 2022 tested positive for COVID-19. We are sending this notification for your awareness, and you do not need to take…