Kelvyn Park Hermosa Junior and Senior High School white logo of panther and butterfly

Principal’s Report to the LSC – 12/11


To provide updates at Kelvyn Park School from Instruction, Culture & Climate, Parents & Community, and Operations lenses to provide the LSC with a holistic understanding of the organizational improvement efforts.


  • Teachers came back from the strike and were involved in the Decluttering Initiative. Teachers were given time to collaboratively organize their materials, dispose of things that were unused, and make sure their classrooms were inviting, clear learning environments for students. While this work continues, there is a noticeable difference in most classrooms.
  • Teacher teams have recently jumped back into conducting task analyses of upcoming assessments. They are working with their peers to improve the tasks students engage with to improve the cognitive rigor.
  • Over Holiday Break, Principal Adams will conduct a Scope & Sequence analysis. This means that he will look at which standards are taught throughout the year at each grade level within each discipline. The analysis will be used to inform the instructional planning and design work of Department Teams.
  • Vacancies:
    • One Diverse Learners teacher was offered a position and he accepted. We are in the final stages of staffing and he should start in January 2020.
    • 102 Assistant Principal resumes were reviewed; 11 were asked to be interviewed via phone call. Two student leaders—one sophomore and one senior—were on this interview panel along with a teacher. From these interviews five were asked to conduct an in-person interview. These candidates were asked to write a 90-day entry plan at KP. and get interviewed by eight members of the KP community: four teachers, two students (the same from the phone interviews), and one education support professional. After this five-and-a-half-hour process, the interview panel made final recommendations. Principal is conducting reference checks and will make a decision by Friday, December 20th for the Assistant Principal to begin before the end of January 2020.

Culture & Climate: 

  • Vaccines
    • One security officer has been cleared from downtown to resume work. His start date is not yet known but am working with CPS officials to finalize a date.
    • Another security officer is going through security and reference checks. Her start date is not yet known either but am working with CPS officials on getting her through this final step before staffing.
    • Over 15 candidates are being screened for the Student Advocate position. This person will help with the Student Resource Center in facilitating restorative justice practices and ensuring the safety of all students during the day.
  • Perfect Attendance Pizza Lunch with the Principal. 69 students with perfect attendance were celebrated for their achievement with a pizza lunch with the principal in the Library.
  • Student ID printer is now fixed. The Student Resource Center will be printing them in the next few weeks.

Parents & Community: 

  • Parent Newsletter was written and mailed for the months of November and December. It included key dates, updates to the school, and post-secondary information for parents. This will be distributed at the beginning of every month for parents and community members. Copies were left at the Alderman’s office for distribution.
  • Workout Fundraising Event – Saturday, 10/14 from 10am-12pm. Hosted by community organization #SpreadLove. Pending approval from LSC.
  • A Social Emotional Learning Workshop for Parents and Holiday Dinner will be Thursday, December 19th  from 5pm-7pm. This is coordinated by our parent leadership team on the Parent Advisory Committee (PAC).
  • Maranatha Church came to the school to discuss how they could support the students at KP. While this partnership has a lot of opportunity, we are in the preliminary phases.
  • Café con El Director in November had two parents in attendance. The next one will in December will be on 12/20 at 9am.

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